Bhhhhrrrr! It’s uncharacteristically cold here in western Colorado. Even so, a brisk morning walk, on a nearby trail beneath Colorado National Monument, unveils various therapeutic sights, sounds, and sensations. Three to four inches of fresh powdery dust glistens over the landscape, fog hangs mystically midair by the red sandstone cliffs, and the notorious Colorado blue sky crowns its head toward the north.
When it’s this cold outside, understandably, most of us opt to stay securely indoors, where it’s safe and warm. However, if that indoor option is our choice, we are missing out on a free, 100% natural, good old-fashioned restorative tonic. That’s right!
Courtesy of the Monument, today’s elixir heralds each individual shrub, tree, and grass wrapped in its own thick, cottony blanket – so generous of Mother Nature to provide blankets on this cold day! Typical sounds are muffled by snow, but I hear the precise scrunching of every footstep. Looking out, each individual slice of the panoramic pie offers a unique view. Cool, refreshing air resets my senses and brings me fully into the present. The tedium of morning chores, errands, and chaotic thinking quickly fall behind me.
Aware of the here and now, I pause. I take it all in. I sense the mystery of life. I offer a small devotion of gratitude. My perspective is now different– I sense renewed energy, a calmer spirit, and reordered priorities. Appreciative of the natural tonic and its therapeutic effects, it’s time to head back home.