By Lisa Lesperance Kautsky

There is a solitary, solemn moment, in western Colorado, when the first sunrays poke over the Grand Mesa and shatter into the craggy red monoliths of the Colorado National Monument. Whoosh, the match is lit and soon the massive slabs of sandstone, burst into vivid hues of auburn, burnt sienna, umber, terra cotta. All goes silent as the spectacle is observed. Mule deer stop in their tracks and raise their heads, the morning’s brilliance mirrored in their eyes. Pink and white Sego lilies lift their petals in obeisance, as I take in all the wonder.

From moment to moment, the scene becomes more radiant, and soon I notice a flutter in my heart space. I recognize the familiar yet exhilarating physical sensation that is happening in my heart and I name it. It’s a Sense of Awe. I stay with it. I invite it to stay with me. I’m captivated and ever so gently my heart softens, and my shoulders drop a notch. I’m put squarely in the present moment, the here and now. In this quiet stillness, I continue to take in the unfolding of the morning’s rapture, but now with eyes closed. I breathe in Awe. I bathe in Awe. And when I open my eyes, I see that the morning phenomenon is slowly waning, and I take in the remaining sustenance. I gather my senses and head back home, renewed, and restored.
This is a Colorado National Monument Moment. If you’ve spent time on the Monument, you realize there are many such moments.
– Hiking uphill, you come around a corner and see silhouettes of Big Horn sheep perched on a ledge above you. You rest, watch, and marvel.
– On the desert floor, you notice mysterious Sand Verbena in full flower nodding in the breeze just for you.
– A turquoise lizard darts against the red desert sand and steals your gaze.

– The serene desert stillness migrates down into your heart and opens a door deep inside, to a place of peace and calm.
– Gliding on a bike down from Cold Shivers Point brings a moment of sheer ecstasy.
– Mystical cliffs pop out of cottony fog and surprise you.
– Desert night sky begets a secret wonder within you.
– A quiet snowy day beneath red cliffs generates an unforeseen solace.
These sacred moments bring a deep reconciliation. They guide us into the present and remind, what is important.
We become objective, old biases fade. We are made whole. This sense of awe transforms and transcends, providing us with a sense of purpose, and connection.
We bring this new sense back into our homes, families, and work lives, where we inevitably offer a sense of our peace-filled hearts.
As published in the Colorado National Monument Association Newsletter, September 2021