Anxiety, Defined
Anxiety is defined as a persistent worrying or fearfulness. Anxiety can come from many places, including medication, but past trauma, faulty beliefs, or distorted thinking can definitely form the basis for anxiety. Besides persistent worrying and fearfulness, other anxiety symptoms include feeling keyed up or on edge, feelings of restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and difficulties sleeping (Click here for definition of anxiety by Psychology Today).
The constant worrying and overthinking sets you apart from others and can become isolating. The isolation and fear prevents you from participating in life. In fact, anxiety has a way of slowly, but surely taking away bits and pieces of your life, one bite at a time, until you have very little life left. Usually, the root of anxiety issues are trauma-related. This trauma may be from childhood, from later years, or from one-time big traumatic events, such as a car accident. Anxiety therapy can not only help you work through your anxiety symptoms, but will likely help you resolve core issues beneath the anxiety and help you get you back on track, living the life you envision. Offering anxiety therapy in Grand Junction, Colorado, Red Bike Counseling uses several evidenced-based interventions, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR. These interventions will help you process your trauma-related difficulties that have caused your symptoms. Anxiety therapy can make a profound difference, helping you to move beyond the symptoms that are holding you back from living the life you envision.

Anxiety Therapy in Grand Junction
Lisa Lesperance Kautsky, LPC, is an EMDR-certified therapist, based in Grand Junction, Colorado, providing EMDR therapy online, anywhere in the State of Colorado. In addition to EMDR, Lisa uses other interventions, such as Ego State Therapy, to help you get to the core root of your anxiety.