Gray sagebrush, gray greasewood, gray horse brush; the vegetation has taken a hit with the cold weather – all looks a bit drab. I look at the ridgeline where the sandstone caprock is mottled in different warm hues of reddish rust, brown, gold. Above the caprock, the Colorado blue sky looks surreal, I’ve an urge to touch it with my fingers – as if I could finger paint. So much for drab – the contrast between the caprock and sky is so vivid that it begs contemplation. The contemplation segues into consideration of the word, contrast. The sky could not, would not be so blue without the sandstone caprock. The sandstone caprock sets off the sky; it compliments it.
![Colorado Blue](
![Rock Art](
As I hike on and consider the word contrast, my mind floats back to news that came earlier in the day – a former neighbor and dear friend, has died. Evelyn Horn (87 years old) of Eckert, Colorado died October 13, 2019. She was a Teacher, no services – reads the obituary. A minimal obit for someone so BIG.
Nearly two decades ago, I met Evey. At first, there was a sharp contrast between our beliefs about the world, religion, life. I didn’t appreciate the contrast initially. But, looking back, I see that she was likely one of the most influential people in my life, though I never recognized that until now. Evey, steeped in 12-step tradition, gifted me with the serenity prayer: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. She introduced me to the concept of codependent behavior patterns. She taught me about healthy boundaries, assertiveness, being my own advocate. Foremost, Evey taught me that we don’t have to be miserable. I now am able to see that Evey’s intervention was a fulcrum point that ultimately lead my life into an entirely new trajectory – one towards healing, health, and wellness.
![Evey's Sand Hill Crane](
![Evey Horn](
+ Memory Eternal, Evelyn Horn, October 13, 2019
Teacher, Friend, Neighbor, Self-taught botanist, Sand Hill Crane Specialist, Avid Birder, Mentor, Model of Courage