What is EMDR Therapy?
Sometimes an event is too overwhelming and too difficult to process and our brain can get “stuck.” Being stuck can block the natural healing process and may lead to difficult symptoms and intense suffering. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing or EMDR is a relatively new and exciting, evidenced-based intervention that helps people heal from the symptoms and distress caused by disturbing or overwhelming events. EMDR can restore the natural healing process, working through the event and allowing the symptoms and distress to subside. EMDR is a fairly simple process and can typically be accomplished within a normally scheduled session, but can take several or more sessions to complete. Once a client has experienced the effect of an EMDR treatment, he or she is usually surprised that it works so well and that it is so effective that he or she generally request additional sessions to resolve other unresolved events that may be having an impact on his or her life. Red Bike Counseling provides EMDR therapy in Grand Junction, Colorado.
EMDR Therapy in Grand Junction

Red Bike Counseling in Grand Junction, Colorado, administers EMDR therapy through teletherapy. EMDR requires bilateral stimulation or BLS and BLS can be provided in several different ways. Originally, EMDR was administered only through eye movement, but current protocol includes delivery of BLS through what is known as the butterfly hug or the use of pulsars or buzzing paddles used in the palms or hands. All that is required is BLS – of the right and left brain. BLS occurs while desensitizing negative thoughts, images, emotions, and body sensations associated with a trauma or a difficult situation. Red Bike Counseling provides EMDR by an EMDR-certified therapist.