Above me, clear mountain water promenades over granite rocks and boulders, making a rushing-gurgling sound. The water splashes down, then bubbles back up fashioning a whirlpool-health-spa effect. The water tumbles over my feet. Off to the stream side, I sit on a smooth granite boulder, while my feet take advantage of this complimentary ecotherapy spa. On this early fall day, the sun still vibrant, makes this a welcome cooling retreat.
The terrain is rough – canyon walls plunge dramatically into each side of the stream which is filled with fallen timber, big rocks, and boulders. It’s hard to imagine how water shaped and smoothed the boulders, let alone moved them. As my feet soak, I imagine these dynamics, but I can’t comprehend.
How can water that drips through my hands – carve, shove, and push this granite? It’s mind-bending. I set those thoughts aside for a moment and instead watch, as the clear water cools my feet. Foot-soaking buddy soaks his feet a couple of rock/boulder tiers below. We are unable to engage in conversation due to the intensity of the rushing-gurgling sound. But the water-dynamics dialogue continues on in my mind…

Imagine where this water originates – melting snow dribbling off a snowbank or trickling out of a mountain spring. That water gathers with other water, from other snowbanks and springs, and then gathers more and more until there is enough water to carve a canyon like this one.
Water carves a canyon… Once again, awed thinking about the forces at work, I am humbled. With a bow, I finally give in to the mystery of nature dynamics and my gaze returns to the clear water running over my toes, under my arches and soles.
A leaf falls into the stream.
I close my eyes and make-believe that I am the leaf.
I ride the wave – up over boulders and around rocks, swirling around without care.
Flexible, light hearted.
Washed, tumbled.
Cleaned, refreshed.
Rigid neural networks now soft and supple.
Tension gone from shoulders.
Deep breath of moist stream air.
Senses unblocked. Slate cleared, a fresh beginning.